5 things to bring on a vacation to Zanzibar

If you’re planning a vacation to the stunningly beautiful Zanzibar, you’re in for a treat! This archipelago off the coast of Tanzania boasts white-sand beaches, turquoise waters, and a rich cultural heritage. To make the most of your trip, here are five things you should definitely bring with you:


  1. Sunscreen – the sun in Zanzibar is strong, and you’ll want to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

  2. Mosquito repellent – to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes that can carry diseases like malaria and dengue fever.

  3. Lightweight clothing – Zanzibar is hot and humid, so pack light, breathable clothes that will keep you cool and comfortable.

  4. Swimsuit – with so many beautiful beaches to explore, you’ll want to take a dip in the ocean.

  5. Cash – while there are ATMs and some places accept credit cards, it’s always a good idea to have some cash on hand for smaller purchases and tips.


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